What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is aimed at healing individuals to maintain and restore complete functionality or maximal movement of parts of the body or the body as a whole. This includes improving muscle strength, movement, muscle tone, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity. Services are applied where movement and function are hindered or threatened by environmental factors, age, disease, and other factors that may lead to impairment. Physical therapy treatments include all age groups. Physical therapists are additionally concerned with determining the treatments that are given to their patients. Since each individual may require different types of treatment, our physical therapists at Centra Pediatric Therapy analyze a patient's history and perform various physical examinations in order to arrive at a diagnosis.

Our services and treatments help improve

  • Gross Motor Dysfunction

  • Orthopedic problems

  • Neurological involvement

  • Gait disturbances

  • Developmental delays

  • Balance

  • Strength

  • Range of Motion limitations

  • Muscle weakness limitations

Do you think your child needs a physical therapist?

If you think your child needs a physical therapist for any reason, or if they exhibit signs similar to the ones mentioned on the occupational therapist page on this website, then feel free to contact us for an evaluation of your child. We can be reached at 714 - 731 - 4668 and centrapediatrictherapy@cox.net.


Occupational Therapy


Speech Therapy